Asheya Dixon is a U.S. Army veteran, and current Air Force spouse, who is the owner of BRWN Beauty Products and the author of “Stock Market Domination,” a book that helps people understand how to invest in the financial markets.
“I teach beginners the fundamentals of the stock market and how to develop a trading strategy that helps people produce consistent income.” Asheya shares.
Despite not coming from a wealthy family, Asheya was surrounded by people who had an abundance of cash, which inspired her to study in a determined way to learn all about the stock market in order to acquire real estate so that she could make investments that would yield returns in the future.
“My inspiration to get into the financial markets was seeing the success stories after I learned how to trade. I was also inspired to see what financial stability looked like. I was a single parent with two children and wanted to provide a stable home for my children. I also wanted to create something that my children could grow and maintain within the family.” Asheya explains.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Asheya realized that after doing a deep introspection, her biggest obstacle up to that point was overcoming imposter syndrome.
“What I learned through this confinement was that everything I needed I already had. I needed to get out of my own way and get comfortable with being uncomfortable because nothing worthwhile is going to be easy. I’m not going to be liked by everyone and that’s okay. I’m only interested in attracting the right people and those are the people I’m going hard for.” She adds.
After succeeding with her online business BRWN, which sells skincare products with no chemicals for people with sensitive skin and has attracted celebrity clientele, Asheya decided to share with others the tips and tricks she has learned over the course of 10 years that led to her domination of the stock market and trading.
“In my business, I am the product. Someone will resonate with who I am as a person and that alone will lead them to accept what I have to offer, whether it’s my military background, being a single mother, being a black woman or just being a resilient woman. There’s only one person like me and that’s what makes me different from my competition.” Asheya says.
Today, Asheya is focused on her next project which consists of the second edition of the workbook “Stock Market Domination,” as well as on a digital course on stock market domination, and something else technology-related.
With the publication of her latest book, Asheya aims to teach as many people as possible about the necessary fundamentals and basics related to financial education in the stock market.
“If something ever happened with social media and we lost our audiences, we would have to rely on our skills. I also made the book extremely affordable because I know there is someone out there who just needs an opportunity or the right knowledge. I know this book is the springboard.“
Learn more about Asheya here.