Lenin Perez is not your ordinary entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs specialize in one particular area and focus in that area of business for the rest of their lives; not Lenin! Lenin is able to work full time, after specializing and creating the ideal business model in two of his distinct businesses that focus on two trending fields. His passion and ambition to succeed in all business aspects, has allowed for him to be successful at the age of 23.
“2 years ago, I was granted the opportunity to work for Seafarers Inc, the number one importer of Fresh HPP Venezuelan Crab meat, and the biggest importer of Frozen Tuna in the United States and has their own Salmon division known as Saltwater USA. During my time at the company, I have been able to grow rapidly as a Sales Consultant selling to the USA, Canada, Caribbean Islands and South America, and have sold more than a million pounds of seafood products, while still maintaining my two businesses in the music industry and eCommerce. In 2018 I was able to create my music consulting business which allowed me to collaborate with artists, specifically in the urban spanish genre, in structuring their platform as performers and expanding their networking for future artist collaborations. I focused on creating a digital platform for their music to stream in all applications including Spotfiy, Apple Music, Youtube, and now TikTok. I knew that music and eCommerce were business fields that worked hand in hand, which allowed me to open my eCommerce business, which specializes in selling shoes, apparel and even now during the pandemic home goods. My ideal goal was to create a logistic for both businesses that would allow me to grow and create a team that would handle the administrative decisions, which has granted me time to explore other fields, and now even work full time in the seafood industry.” Lenin explains.
What has helped Lenin push ahead of his competition in all of the businesses he has interests in is his incredible mindset. His mindset, he explains, is a result of his love to work independently while pushing the envelope on what he is capable of. He is able to conquer all obstacles because of this.
“I’ve always wanted to have the freedom of selling the products that I want and have my own business. I like to work independently, while always building a great relationship and networking with people. The mindset is extremely important when starting your own business, I think it is fundamental to be mentally prepared in order to overcome the challenges of the road. It is key to have a winning mentality, and always hustle for what you want.” Lenin remarks.
His advice, despite only being 23, is one that those looking to get involved in the world of business should follow. Lenin has proved that he can be successful despite any odds that are thrown at him or how much people underestimate him for his age.
“I would advise them to study every aspect of the industry in which they want to start before they take the risk. It is important to be prepared in order to start, many people get into businesses without knowing the good and the bad things about it, and just because somebody is doing it it doesn’t mean you will be good at it too,” Lenin advises.
To learn more about Lenin and his incredible story and climb to success at his young age, check him out on instagram here.